Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Why am I doing this???

I have 4 kids, 3 of whom I homeschool! I have a part time job from home, and a full time job as a wife and mom. I am VERY involved in my church, and I have a home to keep up with, to boot! So why would I take on the task of recording my family's culinary history on top of all of this?
Simple. I have several things in my life that I would file under the heading of "passion". I have a passion for Jesus Christ. I have a passion for using music to proclaim Christ. I have a passion for my husband, children and home. I am passionate about educating my boys to rise up and be great men of the faith. And, no one could deny that I have a passion for cooking, as I do a lot of it, and I run my own personal chef service. But, these are not my only passions.

My close family and friends know of my other passion, the one that only gets my time once in a blue moon. The one that I have to put aside for things like laundry, math, history, literature, choir, errands, diapers, you get the idea. This is the proverbial "red-headed step child" of my passions. The one that gets left behind and put away until that mythical day that I actually have "time". This passion is genealogy. I am passionately addicted to the quest for family knowledge.

So it only seems natural that I would combine several of my passions into one pursuit. I love history, especially our own, and I LOVE to see how a family's history contributes to the foods served over the years in that family. In the case of my children, their family history encompasses both my family and their daddy's family, and there is a rich heritage of cuisine on both sides.

On my side there is the distinctly American cuisine. The cuisine that varies only in what region of the United States that family member lived in. On Jeff's side, we have the Polish cuisine, the German cuisine and the Irish cuisine. Combined, my kids have a great picture of the history of their whole family, what kind of people they were, where they lived, and what they ate!

As we gather recipes, we will get a great picture of what kind of people my kids come from. This history is to be embraced, cherished, and shared. I will, if possible, include pictures of the person from whom the recipe came, as well as some history of that person. I can't wait to have this tangible family history to share, and I can't wait to eat our way through some memories together. I hope that this will be a treasure for all of our family to enjoy and share. Because, this isn't just our history. If you are a part of our family, this is also your history. If you aren't, well, feel free to use these recipes to add to your own family's history. I think you will be pleased to find that our history is sweet, and it is darn tasty, too!

1 comment:

May D. Cember said...

Your love for all of your family is evident by your passion for this project. Even being included in your work, means a lot to me. I have great family recipes from my step-grandmother (Funny how I ended up in her shoes). I have the originals and don't know what to do with them. So maybe the best of them can find their way here. She was a woman of God and died without warning early in the day in her recliner. Her bible was in her lap as was her sunday school lesson. Evidently when she was called to go "home" she just rested her head back in the chair and laid her glasses in her lap along with the bible. Here today - gone tomorrow exactly as she would have wanted it. her name was ie Mae and I called her grandmommy.